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Salcantay Majestic
Das Herz der Anden in seiner ganzen Majestät
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Inka trail
Simon B.
14. Feb. 2015 06:44

Dear ladies and gentlement,

I want to make a reservation for the inka trail tour, which lasts 4 days. Where do I have to go to start the tour?

Is there a meeting point in Cuzco, where I have to be on a specific date/ time in order to start the hike with the group?

Thank you for your information

Best regards,


Re: Inka trail
Messages: 825
15. Feb. 2015 10:40

Dear Simon,

Thank you for your email and your interest in our services.

You must be in Cusco city at least 1 day before the trek. You will need a hotel there so we can come pick you up. The day before the hike at 7 pm there is an informative meeting at our agency that you have to attend. It is not mandatory but recommended to make final arrangements. After you book you have access to a special section on our website where you can request a free transfer from the airport and also where you can indicate your hotel in Cusco for the pick up.

Should you need anything else feel free to contact us any time.

Best regards,

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