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Salcantay Majestic
Das Herz der Anden in seiner ganzen Majestät
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Tickets for January 15'
Olavo B.
23. Okt. 2014 04:14

Good morning,

I would like to buy tickets for January of 2015 but apparently so far is possible to buy tickets only for 2014.

I guess I have to wait but until when?

Could you please inform me when the sales for 2015 (in my case, on January) are avaiable?

Thanks for helping and greetings from Rio de Janeiro!



Re: Tickets for January 15'
Messages: 825
23. Okt. 2014 12:30

Hello Olavo,

Thank you for your email and your interest in our services. Tickets for 2015 are not available yet for anyone. You can come back in December, it is usually by the end of that month that the government opens purchases for the next year. Or you can subscribe to receive the availability when purchases for 2015 are open: http://www.ticket-machupicchu.com/dispo/index.php?lg=en .

Best regards,

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